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Chudob Waterhole, Etosha NP, Namibia

We all stumbled out for a 5:30am breakfast of fresh fruit, cereal, toast and bacon and eggs. The meals in camp have been fantastic along with the staff and communal areas. The only problem was the heat in the communal areas due to We have all been very relieved to enjoy really comfortable sleeps due to the air conditioning in our rooms. Once we have all refueled we packed the car with our gear and drove to the Von Lindquest Gate.

We managed to arrive 5 minutes before the gate opened and were welcomed once again by the “friendly” gate attendant. We all said hello to her and drove through to the waterholes we had visited the previous day. We were the only people at Klein Namutoni and enjoyed a visit from giraffes, jackal and a lone hyena that I mistakenly thought was a lioness for just a second as it walked towards the waterhole from afar. Once again we continued to drive around the different waterholes like the day before with various sightings. The morning was not as successful as the previous day so we were happy to return to camp by 1pm for a relaxed lunch.

Mum and dad decided to stay at Onguma whilst I returned back to Chudob Waterhole and spend the whole afternoon there until gates closed. I chose Chudob because the sun would be setting behind me and I could easily park the car alongside the centre of the waterhole and set up my cameras with ease. I spent 3.5 hours just waiting and watching and finally I was rewarded with my first rhino sighting in Etosha. The moody male made his way down to the waterhole after finding a large log to scratch himself and then proceeded to chase away the giraffes that were in his way. It was a very entertaining sighting and I was able to get some great video and photos . I finally had to leave as I still need to get back to the gate before closing time. It was a very rewarding afternoon and I returned back to camp to tell mum and dad what they missed out on.

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